
  • APT repositories for Debian and Ubuntu (maintained by LXDE developers):
    1. Add this line to your /etc/apt/source.list:
      deb ./        (for Debian sid)
      deb ./        (for Ubuntu)
    2. apt-get install lxde
    3. Select "LXDE" from GDM / KDM, and login. If you don't have any display manager, run startlxde in your xinitrc.
  • Source code:
    • Download tarballs from project page.
    • Grab the latest source code in development from svn:
      svn co lxde

    NOTICE: PCManFM is provided in another separate project and hence not provided here. Please go to the project homepage of PCManFM.

Distros currently using LXDE

  • PUD GNU/Linux: Ubuntu-based installable live cd with LXDE
  • TinyMe: PCLinuxOS-based tiny distro using some components of LXDE
  • Slitaz: Extremely small live cd using most of the components of LXDE
  • Greenie: Ubuntu-based distribution especially for slovak and czech users. Using GNOME and LXDE as DE
The list is still growing... If you are a distro-creator using LXDE, please contact us.


Please don't forget to read the installation guide.
Currently some setup must be done manually to make it work.

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